Monday 11 June 2012

Violin exam result

I just had some exciting news.In my Violin exams I got 90 out of 100 which means I have a distinction! I'm so happy!!!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Funky Chicken

One of my favorite parts of this holiday was Ed and Kat teaching us songs and the best one was the funky chicken song - here's a little video of part of it :)

Hols in Calabao Island, Philippines

Sorry I haven't been doing the blog for a long time but it was not working Recently I went to the Philippines on holiday to an island called Calabao which is near Boracay.

This is on the first day in Calabao in the morning it was windy and rainy and the tide was high  it came to the platform so we played uno but in the afternoon the tide went out so we went snorkeling in this pic this is me and Elinor in the water. Elinor is a really close friend

 The sea was filled with coral and Eoin had found some huge coral Eoin is Elinor's little brother.

We had a colletion of shells and sea urchins it was great!

Such a blue sea!

we went for a walk and we went on top of a tree we at least I did!

Our walk was great fun I would of loved to come here again
We went to a bar and had really good food there and watched the sunset :)

Monday 28 March 2011

Jerudong Park

I am trying  the electric scooter.

This is me and Jayden on a bumper car.

Me and Jayden on the slide

Maya whizzing down the slide

Maya riding on a horse.

Maya running happily.
Jayden  on the choo choo train.

Me on the choo choo train.
Off we go on the choo choo train.

Boat trip

I went on a boat trip down the river in Brunei with Nani and Nana.
We spotted monkeys and my mum tried to teach me how to take a good picture.

This is a probiscous monkey - they have a big nose and a very long tail.

This is a monitor lizard - he was a good at camouflaging.
This is me and mummy-in the boat at sunset time

This is the beautiful sunset

I caught 3 fireflies at night time
After the boat trip we went to have pizza and a drink

At the end we took a picture of the mosque
That's me sitting on top of the boat watching the world go by.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Christmas in South Africa

This Christmas mummy and I went to South Africa with a friend of ours called Salome. Salome is from SA and she was the best tour guide!
Me and my mummy at Nelson Mandela's house
Salome and me in the lift down to the Gold Mine
Me going in the lift down to the Gold Mine

Me stroking a lion cub
how cute is he???

This herd of elephants were charging towards us!
it was so scary!!
These are called dung beetles they are the funniest
things ever 
This is a buffalo -  he was alone and he was asleep
I wonder if he snores?
This is a jackal - he is very cute

This is me in the aquarium
I can breath underwater!!!!

This is me chillaxing :)
This me on a trampoline
I am as tall as a giant!

This is me feeding an ostrich
 ouch!! she pecked me!

I am standing on ostrich eggs
I am not their mum!

This is me at Le Sedi with one of the tribes

These are the African penguins
what are they looking at?
This is me at Table Mountain it was absolutely stunning!